code | ||
nix | ||
.gitignore | ||
flake.lock | ||
flake.nix | || |
Advent of Code 2021
this flake builds a package containing a program for each problem in this years advent of code.
adding a problem
create a folder in code/src
for the problem, then add an entry with the following format into code/aoc2021-programs.cabal
executable aoc2021-XX
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -O2 -Wall
hs-source-dirs: src/XX
build-depends: base
default-language: Haskell2010
your choice of:
nix shell git+
nix build git+
or you can add the overlay defined in the flake
this flake defines a wrapper script that automates passing input to the problems.
in order to use it, the problem folder must include XX-input.txt
, where XX
is the suffix defined in the cabal file.
the default package provides a wrapper aoc2021
, which when invoked with aoc2021 XX
will cat the contents of XX-input.txt
to the program aoc2021-XX
(as defined in the cabal file).