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tA 2020-03-31 09:35:50 +13:00
commit 6288f19e93
6 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions

107 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
= turingAutomaton =
a toy programming language for creating turing machines
== description ==
`turingAutomaton` is a programming language created to test the Racket ecosystem. it features custom syntax and is able to run single tape turing machines.
== installation ==
git clone
cd turingAutomaton
raco pkg install
== syntax ==
all files must begin with a
#lang turingAutomaton
followed by a definition of;
@ beginningState
% blankSymbol
! acceptingState
(currently the accepting state is unimplemented)
`states` are defined using the following syntax;
: stateName
currentSymbol ~ newSymbol > newState
currentSymbol ~ newSymbol < newState
where `<` and `>` denote moving the tape left and right, respectively
comments are allowed:
; either on their own line
@ first ; or at the end of a line
== sample program ==
this machine will double a number passed to it
#lang turingAutomaton
; this is a comment!
@ first
% e
! F
: first
a ~ b > second
c ~ c > fourth
: second
a ~ a > second
c ~ c > second
e ~ c < third
: third
a ~ a < third
b ~ b > first
c ~ c < third
: fourth
c ~ c > fourth
e ~ e < fifth
: fifth
b ~ a < fifth
c ~ a < fifth
e ~ e > F
== caveats ==
currently very unfinished.
all input is a single tape defined with `aaaaa` for now.
there is no error checking until I learn how to do that.
might get slow for very large tapes as the tape uses linked lists to operate.
== thanks ==
mutce ckire to:
* the racket team for creating an awesome language
* Matthew Butterick for his book [Beautiful Racket]( and the libraries within
== author ==
`fi'e la ti'ei`

expander.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#lang br/quicklang
(require "tmUtils.rkt")
(define-macro (tA-module-begin PARSE-TREE)
(display-result '(a a a a a))))
(provide (rename-out [tA-module-begin #%module-begin]))
(provide tA-program)
(define-macro (tA-start "@" START-ARG)
#'(set-start! START-ARG))
(provide tA-start)
(define-macro (tA-blank "%" BLANK-ARG)
#'(set-def! BLANK-ARG))
(provide tA-blank)
(define-macro (tA-accept "!" ACCEPT-ARG)
(provide tA-accept)
(define-macro (tA-state-set STATE-ARG ...)
(provide tA-state-set)
(define-macro (tA-tran CURRENT "~" NEW DIR NEXT)
#'(lambda (i)
(hash-set! trans-map
`(,i ,CURRENT)
`(,NEW ,DIR ,NEXT))))
(provide tA-tran)
(define-macro (tA-tran-set TRAN ...)
#'(lambda (i)
(TRAN i) ...)))
(provide tA-tran-set)
(define-macro (tA-state ":" ID TRAN-SET)
(provide tA-state)
(define-macro (tA-state-id ID)
#'(string->symbol ID))
(provide tA-state-id)
(define-macro (tA-symbol SYM)
#'(string->symbol SYM))
(provide tA-symbol)
(define-macro (tA-dir DIR)
(if (equal? "<" DIR) 'L 'R)))
(provide tA-dir)

main.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#lang br/quicklang
(module reader br
(require "reader.rkt")
(provide read-syntax))

parser.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#lang brag
tA-program : tA-start tA-blank tA-accept tA-state-set
tA-start : "@" tA-state-id
tA-blank : "%" tA-symbol
tA-accept : "!" tA-state-id
tA-state-set : tA-state (tA-state)*
tA-state : ":" tA-state-id tA-tran-set
tA-tran-set : (tA-tran)* (NL)*
tA-tran : tA-symbol "~" tA-symbol tA-dir tA-state-id (NL)*
tA-symbol : TA-STRING
tA-state-id : TA-STRING
tA-dir : "<" | ">"

reader.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#lang br/quicklang
(require "parser.rkt")
(define (read-syntax path port)
(define parse-tree (parse path (make-tokenizer port)))
(define module-datum `(module tA-mod turingAutomaton/expander
(datum->syntax #f module-datum))
(provide read-syntax)
(require brag/support)
(define-lex-abbrev digits (:+ (char-set "0123456789")))
(define (make-tokenizer port)
(define (next-token)
(define tA-lexer
[(from/to ";" "\n") (next-token)]
[whitespace (next-token)]
["\n" (token 'NL lexeme)]
[(char-set "@%!~<>") lexeme]
[(:+ (:or digits alphabetic)) (token 'TA-STRING lexeme)]
[any-char lexeme]))
(tA-lexer port))

tmUtils.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#lang racket
; utils - wont change
(define def-symbol '())
(define start-state '())
(define input '())
(define (set-def! x)
(set! def-symbol x))
(define (set-start! x)
(set! start-state x))
(define (set-input! x)
(set! start-state x))
(define (pre t)
(car t))
(define (cur t)
(cadr t))
(define (aft t)
(caddr t))
(define (shiftr t)
(let* [(c (cur t))
(p (pre t))
(a (aft t))
(a (if (null? a)
(list def-symbol)
`(,(append p (list c))
,(car a)
,(cdr a))))
(define (shiftl t)
(let* [(c (cur t))
(p (pre t))
(a (aft t))
(p (if (null? p)
(list def-symbol)
`(,(reverse (cdr (reverse p)))
,(car (reverse p))
,(cons c a))))
(define (write-sym s t)
(let [(p (pre t))
(a (aft t))]
`(,p ,s ,a)))
(define (list->tape l)
`(() ,(car l) ,(cdr l)))
(define trans-map (make-hash))
(define (transition current-state tape)
(let [(f (hash-ref trans-map `(,current-state ,(cur tape)) #f))]
(if (eq? f #f)
`(,current-state ,tape)
(let* [(new-sym (first f))
(dir (second f))
(new-state (third f))
(dir-op (if (eq? 'L dir)
(new-tape (dir-op (write-sym new-sym tape)))]
(transition new-state new-tape)))))
(define (tape->list t)
(let [(flat-tape (append (pre t) (list (cur t)) (aft t)))
(f (lambda (x) (eq? x def-symbol)))]
(reverse (drop-while f (reverse (drop-while f flat-tape))))))
(define (drop-while f l)
(if (null? l)
(if (f (car l))
(drop-while f (cdr l))
(define (display-result input)
(let* [(res (transition start-state (list->tape input)))
(fin-state (car res))
(fin-tape (tape->list (cadr res)))]
(printf "Initial State: ~a~nInitial Tape:~n~a~nFinal State: ~a~nFinal Tape:~n~a~n" start-state input fin-state fin-tape))))
(provide trans-map)
(provide display-result)
(provide set-def!)
(provide set-start!)
;; per machine - will change
;(define def-symbol 'e)
;(define start-state '1)
;(hash-set! trans-map '(1 a) '(b R 2))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(1 c) '(c R 4))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(2 a) '(a R 2))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(2 c) '(c R 2))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(2 e) '(c L 3))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(3 a) '(a L 3))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(3 c) '(c L 3))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(3 b) '(b R 1))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(4 c) '(c R 4))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(4 e) '(e L 5))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(5 c) '(a L 5))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(5 b) '(a L 5))
;(hash-set! trans-map '(5 e) '(e R F))
;; fin
;(display-result '(a a a a a))